Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yes.. her mom is a hairdresser!

Ok, so heres a pic of Stella wearing what she calls "My Hat"! Yes, I flat iron her hair sometimes, don't worry for you freaks.. it's totally fine to do! She splashes everywhere in the tub at home, so when I want her hair to stay dry, the hat comes out. PROBLEM IS... she wants to wear the hat all the time. slight problem. I tell her it's yucky except for bathtime.


T. Driaza said...

She is just too cute! Adorable photo!

Natalie Smith said...

That is a great story! I admit...I use one too!

Jen Isham Housewife 2.0 said...

love it! hahahahah

shea said...

booster has great tan lines!

Unknown said...

love your blog decor - i wouldn't expect anything less *wink* - loving this pic of stella. super cute.

the girls worked on those "clothespin dolls" i was telling you about. i posted some pics on my blog: penandpaperflowers.blogspot.com/

- jess