Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Epcot=Kid on Crack

Oh my goodness!! We went to Epcot, (which was the first time we finally took Stella and Ivey) and it was soo much fun. Our friends got us in with his work pass so free is always fun! We went with the Beckstrands and the Arnoldsons, that have girls the same age as Stella. Well about 2 months ago Auntie Shea took Stella to Magic Kingdom without me. I was sad, and now everytime I say Mickey or Disney, she says Castle and Shea Shea! Oh pissed me off, Im the mom dang it! So i was out to change that nonsense! Well it was soo fun. It rained the entire time. The rain gods were on our side. Everyone left the park, so we saw all the characters and no lines anywhere. We waited for 15 minutes and as soon as we approached Mickey, the set ended for the new Mickey to come out. Oh man did Stella scream and pitch a fit.. I was sweating so embarrased, the escort guy tells her, Mickey will be back, "He's cooking a cheescake!" Uh, my 2 1/2 year old doesn't understand, and how gay is that to say? He couldn't think of anything better.Dont forget here people I was a character in highschool, screw the characters send me your autograph books, Ill save u time and money I know all the signatures..anyways, we loved it she loved them. The big ball ride was a lil over Stella's head for understanding how the earth was created and the history, but it took a pic of our heads and told us about our future? It was cute, but if I wanted to know how the earth was created I'd go to a temple session people. We did see Nemo and she talked to Crush the turtle. Ivey was an angel.. we ate in China $$$ freaken expensive for food we ate in 2 minutes. Its so fun to see the reaction on Stella's face..priceless for sure, and her friends Coset and Brynn love hanging out with eachother..enough rambling.. Disney you are great, but even better when you are FREE!!


The Beckstrands said...

Hey Bre!!! CUTE BLOG! That was so much fun going to Disney with the girls! They are SO cute! We have to do it again SOON! And maybe next time it won't pour the ENTIRE time like it did last night:-) but oh well... it was still TONS of fun!
-oh... send me an email at bkaipo@yahoo.com so I can invite you to my blog!

shea said...

just remember aunt shea shea took her there first and she will always know...mickey mouse, castle and shea shea all go together =)