Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Our Grandma Joan

In memory of our favorite grandma Joan... you will truly be missed. Gotta love a woman who was a fighter, feisty,loved to shop for clothes in my closet, told you what she thought and best of all...raised a son who is the best dad I could ever ask for. Thanks Joan for the love, support, laughter,tears, and honesty in all things. You were an amazing hard worker, great cook, great grandma and most of started a generation of people and legacy that will work just as hard as you did in life, and for all this I am truly grateful I can say Joan you are the DAMN best!! See you on the otherside. Tell Clarence and Pearl we said HI....xoxo thanks gma...


MaryAnne said...

I love Grandma Joan!! Thanks for all the great laughs Joan!